Microsoft has said that it is planning to launch games for Windows Live on May 8. The release aims to ensure that Windows Vista gamers will be able to log onto games for Windows - Live, with the same functionality. The company said Games for Windows would ensure that your account will not be booked to your PC only, but can be shared with your Xbox Live account, and visa-versa. Users will be able to share gamer scores; friend lists between Xbox 360 and your PC. The user will also be able to log into their account from both."Right now, we're focusing on what matters most, which we really think is gaming," Xbox Live Aaron Greenberg marketing manager explained.The price of the service will be the same as the Xbox Live service. Silver memberships will be free, whereas Gold memberships will cost USD 49.99.The company also mentioned that users with an already existing Xbox Live membership would not have to pay anything extra to use the service on Windows Vista.The launch of Games for WindowsLive marks an expansion of the Xbox Live service across multiple platforms, uniting gamers with a single identity, a single gamer tag, a single friends list and a single list of achievements attainable on the Xbox 360 and a Windows-based PC.